Facial & Body Skin Rejuvenation
Horizon Laser Aesthetics offer Safyre RF / Radiofrequency treatments for tummy tightening, bum lifts, cellulite removal & face skin tightening. Safyre RF activates elastin fibres and collagen to regenerate damaged tissue. It also enhances lymphatic drainage and assists in fat metabolism, resulting in smoother, firmer skin.
Before & After
How does Safyre work?
Safyre is a radio frequency machine designed for body contouring and facial rejuvenation. The purpose of radio frequency is to improve the quality of the skin and to stimulate collagenases by heating the adipose tissue, as well as the tissue at subcutaneous level through heat diffusion.
Body contouring
Safyre treatments help with the removal of cellulite and will improve body toning after just one session. The secret lies in the activation of the elastin fibres and collagen within the skin, which helps to regenerate damaged skin and reduce adipose tissue. This results in a smoother and firmer skin, and a visible reduction in adipose tissue, making Safyre a revolutionary non-invasive body contouring solution.
How does Safyre work in body treatments?
Safyre works in three phases:
Drainage: During this phase, the elimination of the liquid found in the walls of the different cells is achieved through natural processes within the tissue.
Reduction: Localised adipose tissue is treated on certain parts of the body. These can be differentiated between three kinds of tissue, namely soft, oedematous or fibrotic tissue. It is necessary to identify these tissues in order to obtain the best results.
Reaffirming: Activation of the collagen and elastin fibres within the skin to ensure firmer skin and to provide a redefining and tightening effect.
How often should treatments be carried out?
To obtain the best results with Safyre treatments, we recommend that clients receive 6 treatments in total, depending on their individual needs. Fortnightly treatments are recommended in order to obtain the desired results. Maintinace sessions thereafter every 2 to 3 months.
Can Safyre treatments be combined with other treatments?
Yes, it can. Even though Safyre treatments offer very good results on its own, combining it with Crystile Fat Freezing can maximise contouring results.
Do Safyre treatments have any counter-indications?
The contraindications of radio frequency are minimal, however this type of treatment is not recommended for pregnant or breast feeding women, or persons with serious heart disease or connective tissue and neuromuscular diseases. These are the main contra-indications. Your therapist will inform you of the rest.